Breaking Dawn is My Favorite Twilight Novel


My favorite Twilight novel used to be a close tie between Twilight and Breaking Dawn, but after re-reading the series I’ve decided that Breaking Dawn is by far my favorite. Here are 5 reasons why:

  1. I really like getting Jacob’s perspective. Jacob is funny and an interesting character. I love the dynamic between him and Rosalie because they are always trying to get under each other’s skin and it is extremely entertaining.
  2. Edward no longer annoys me and I actually like him quite a bit. In my opinion, he has grown a lot since the first book.
  3. The relationships that are formed are adorable. I love that Seth and Edward are like brothers, Bella and Jacob are finally able to be best friends without the weirdness, and Jacob and Edward finally bond and become family. I think this is the main thing that I love about this book. No more relationship drama and fighting over Bella.
  4. You really get to see just how kind and thoughtful Carlisle and Esme are. Throughout the series we know this, but I think they (especially Esme) really shine in this one. They are very welcoming of Seth, Jacob, and Leah and want to provide them with everything they can. I like the scene where Esme says she left clothes for Leah that were freshly washed and she tried to touch them as little as possible to keep her scent off them. So thoughtful!
  5. Finally getting to know Seth Clearwater. He is in my top 3 favorite characters. He’s funny, adorable, and really sweet. I like that he doesn’t see the Cullens as enemies, or even different from him. He sees them as people and friends.

Out of all the vampire powers in this series, which one would you want? I think I would want either Jane’s, Kate’s, or Zafrina’s.

Werewolves Rule // 5 Thoughts on New Moon


When I first read New Moon (TEN years ago!), I was not the biggest fan. I wanted my Edward Cullen and he was not in most of it. But, this time I loved it for that reason. I love Jacob SO MUCH more than Edward. And more than Bella too actually. Jacob and his pack are fun characters to read about. I am excited to read the rest of the series just so I can get more time with them. While I was reading this book I had a lot of thoughts and these were the ones that stood out the most:

  1. I wish this series was about Bella and Jacob falling in love. While reading New Moon I noticed just how easygoing Jacob is whereas Edward is always very serious. Jacob is thoughtful and very observational and likes to have fun. I would pick him.
  2. Jacob is my favorite character. I am not sure who used to be my favorite. Maybe Edward or Alice? Charlie is a very close second. I would have loved to get more of Jacob’s POV in the other books instead of just the last one. It would have been nice just to get out of Bella’s head for a while.
  3. Bella needs a hobby. Or something. That’s what I kept thinking at the beginning of the book. She was saying how her life no longer had meaning without Edward and then toward the end she was thinking that she would rather die than lose him again. I just kept thinking ‘Girlfriend, you are being a bit dramatic.’ That is not healthy. Your happiness should not depend on another person, especially as much as her does.
  4. Bella should be able to become a vampire if she wants to. She doesn’t always have the best sense when it comes to this topic, like how at the end of the book she was ready to be turned right then and there at the Cullen house without really thinking about her parents, especially Charlie. But it is her life and Edward shouldn’t really have that much of a say in the matter. I think it is good to set up a timeline and all, but in the end it is her decision and not Edward’s.
  5. I really hate when Jacob calls Bella ‘honey’. Maybe it’s because I was picturing movie Jacob, but whenever he called her ‘honey’ it made me cringe. It just seemed so unnatural and weird for him to say it. Bella, honey. Blech!

I am enjoying this re-read so much! I have been wanting to do it for years, but always put it off. It’s an interesting experience to revisit something as an adult that you loved so much as a teenager. I’ve grown so much since then and it’s funny that I notice a lot of things now in the book that I hadn’t noticed before.

Thanks for reading!

The Lion + the Lamb // 5 Thoughts on Twilight

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I first read Twilight when I was a sophomore in high school. The movie was coming out and I began to hear about it everywhere. My friend let me borrow her copy of the book and I. Fell. In. Love. I became obsessed. I had never read a book before then that engrossed me as much Twilight. I got the rest of the series for Christmas and I devoured them. These books made me love reading more than I ever had before. I look back at that time in my life with such fondness. It is fun to really love something. And it is even better when your friends are equally obsessed with it.

Even though I was obsessed, I only read the entire series once and read Twilight twice. But I have always wanted to read the series again and I decided to try this month. I have just finished Twilight and plan on picking up New Moon next. It’s hard to review Twilight or even give it a star rating because I still love it, but not the same way I did when I was a teenager. So instead I wanted to share thoughts I had while reading.

  1. Charlie is a really amazing dad. I have always loved Charlie, but reading the book this time, I really noticed how caring and thoughtful he is. He bought Bella a truck, he put chains on her tires without saying anything, he offers to drive her to Seattle, and he always asks if she wants him to stay home so she isn’t alone. Bella doesn’t seem to realize how great he is.
  2. Edward isn’t … that interesting. I was Team Edward all the way when I first read Twilight. And then over time and after watching the movies over and over, I became Team Jacob. And I am still Team Jacob, though he still has some issues, but I like him way more than Edward. In Twilight, Bella and Edward fall in love so quickly and why? There were things that he said that if he wasn’t just being funny, were actually very mean. And we don’t really know much about him. Most of the time he is just talking about how bad he is for Bella and how if he was strong he would leave and blah blah blah. His good looks seem to be the only thing really going for him.
  3. I can’t wait to read New Moon. New Moon was my least favorite book in the series. but is my second favorite movie. I didn’t like it because there was hardly any Edward. But while reading Twilight I kept thinking how I couldn’t wait to read more about Jacob. But I feel sorry for him because Bella is always using him. She starting using him right after they reconnected at the beach.
  4. I want a book about Alice and Jasper before they were with the Cullens. I really like Jasper. I think he is kind and has an interesting backstory. Same goes for Alice. I would love to read their love story and their journey in joining the Cullen family.
  5. I don’t understand Bella’s obsessive love for Edward. Now this one has nothing to do with Edward really. I would still have the same thought even if she was obsessed with Jacob. This is something I don’t get with any fictional romance like theirs. Bella does love her parents, but she is willing to never see them again if she can spend forever with Edward. I don’t understand why in our society and in books, romantic love is placed above every other kind of love. If I was in Bella’s shoes I don’t think I would be able to give up my family to be a vampire.

I am so glad I re-read Twilight. Even though I do have some issues with it I still feel comforted by the story. When I had to switch schools in tenth grade, Twilight is what helped me during the transition. Like I said before, I will always love this series.