Forever Wild by K.A. Tucker

With the stress of school, life, and world events, I haven’t been reading much at all. I’ve started a couple books here and there, but nothing has been able to keep my attention. However, Forever Wild was released on December 1st (a book I’ve have been eagerly waiting for) and I was instantly hooked as soon as I read the first line.

If you are unfamiliar with the Simple Wild series by K.A. Tucker, this is a novella following the second book. The series takes place in Alaska and the first book, The Simple Wild, follows a woman named Calla who reconnects with her estranged father and meets a man named Jonah. It’s a story about family, second chances, and falling in love. I’d never read a book that took place in Alaska until this series, and for me that just adds extra magic to the story.

Forever Wild picks up after the second book. It’s almost Christmas and Jonah and Calla are expecting their family to come stay with them. As can be expected, the holidays + family = a lot of tension, especially since Jonah does not get along with his stepdad. Even with the tension, I would say there is minor conflict in this book, which I really liked. Readers get to catch up with characters and see how they are doing. Roy plays a major role in this book, which made me glad. I really like getting to know him better.

I am not going to go into more detail on the plot, but just know that this addition has the same charm as the other books in the series. It made me laugh numerous times, I cried, and the ending left me smiling. It was so nice to be back with these characters.

The next book in the series will follow Dr. Marie. I’m sad not to be focused on Jonah and Calla anymore, but I am excited about learning more about Marie, and getting updates on Jonah and Calla, too.